
Sat down with my good friend from Nashville SABR, Skip Nipper, to talk about some Memphis Red Sox baseball. Skip loves all things baseball in Nashville, and that love extends west down I-40 to Memphis. This 30-minute pod only cracks the surface. But it tells a great story.

Memphis Redbirds celebrate

1938 Negro American League Pennant

August 10, 2024 - Memphis, TN

Available online

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Memphis Hoops: Race & Basketball in the Bluff City, 1968-1997,


The Memphis Red Sox: A Negro Leagues History

$30 + $5 S/H

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To get a copy of Memphis Hoops or The Memphis Red Sox, shop locally at Novel Books and Oxbeau, or online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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Book News

The Memphis Red Sox

Jerry Malloy Conference


June 6-8, 2024

Leslie Heaphy -

Leading scholar in the field & Jerry Malloy Committee member. Loved catching up and thanking her for providing an awesome forward for the book.

National Baseball Hall of Fame

Cooperstown, NY

Phil S. Dixon

Leading scholar & educator in the field. His insight and previous works made researching the Negro Leagues a joy. Great to see Phil again in Cooperstown.

Doubleday Field

Cooperstown, NY

Gary Gillette’s @ the Malloy

Great presentation comparing the East-West All-Star Games and the MLB All-Star Games. Notice in West coach Larry Brown still making noise in 1947.

J.B. Martin IV

What a thrill to meet the great-grandson of MRS owner J.B. Martin at the Malloy.

The Memphis Red Sox: A Negro Leagues History

Release Date

June 5, 2024

Excited to announce that The Memphis Red Sox: A Negro Leagues History, releases on June 5, 2024. That same week I will be in Cooperstown, New York at SABR’s annual Jerry Malloy Conference on Negro Leagues Baseball. Looking forward to meeting as many of you out there as possible. If you can’t make the conference, make sure to head to Amazon.com to purchase a copy, or if you are in town in Memphis, look for it at Novel and Oxbeau.

Memphis Red Sox


Atlanta Black CRackers

During the 1938 NAL Championship Season for the Red Sox, they played the Atlanta Black Crackers at Ponce De Leon Park in Atlanta. Credit: Atlanta Negro Chamber of Commerce Film Collection.